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查看658 | 回复20 | 2018-5-2 04:18:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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xingpai | 2018-5-2 04:22:16 | 显示全部楼层

The Highland Culture Guide

Get the answers to your cultural questions here with our integrated approach. All of the basic elements of succulent cultivation are presented with an emphasis on how to combine them to work for you. It's not just another Do's and Don'ts list.

With this guide as a starting point you'll know why you're doing things. With a little experience you'll soon be solving your own problems and growing very good plants.
xingpai | 2018-5-2 04:25:57 | 显示全部楼层

Light And Your Strategy




Making Changes - Timing

Growing In Containers

Supplies: Mix, Nutrients, Containers


Basic Equipment List
xingpai | 2018-5-2 04:28:54 | 显示全部楼层
Grow Plants Like These!

The fabulous Euphorbia pauliana
传说中的Euphorbia pauliana

Crassula tecta


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xingpai | 2018-5-2 04:32:09 | 显示全部楼层
Cyphostemma juttae - a true classic
Cyphostemma juttae,永恒的经典
xingpai | 2018-5-2 04:34:29 | 显示全部楼层
Speak The Language

For many, entering the world of succulent plants and the people who collect and trade in them means confronting the Latin botanical nomenclature used to name and describe this natural world. Don’t be put off by this!

Learning the botanical names of your plants and how to pronounce them is essential to cultivating and building your collection. Abandon the use of common names such as “snake plant” or “pencil cactus” in favor of Sansevieria and Euphorbia. Common names are not unique and will only lead to confusion.

All you really have to know is that each plant is a single species or a hybrid of two or more species, and like species are organized into a larger single group called a genus such as Pachypodium. In turn, groups of similar genera make up the plant families such as Apocynaceae which includes the genera Pachypodium and Adenium. Genus and species in that order are used exclusively when referring to any plant. So instead of “Madagascar Palm” we use Pachypodium lamerei or Adenium obesum in place of “Desert Rose”.
通过学名,你能够掌握每种植物到底是独立的品种还是杂交品种,并且将之归到更大的类别,即“属”里,比如“棒槌树属”。当然,具有相似特性的“属”还会形成级别更高的“科”,比如“夹竹桃科”,包括棒槌树属和沙漠玫瑰属。属和品种名组成植物的学名,所以,所谓的“马达加斯加棕榈”实际上应当叫做Pachypodium lamerei,而“沙漠玫瑰”则学名Adenium obesum。

Don’t be intimidated or embarrassed when attempting to pronounce these strange names. Everyone makes mistakes but with a little experience it becomes second nature. To get started you could even watch The Victory Garden on PBS where they consistently use genus and species when discussing plants of all kinds.
当你读这些奇怪的名字时,千万别觉得尴尬或害羞。没有人能一点错误都不犯,但只要多练习几次,你一定能熟悉这些单词。一开始,你可以多看看《Victory Garden》这个电视节目,里面用的都是很标准的拉丁文学名。
xingpai | 2018-5-2 04:38:34 | 显示全部楼层
Light And Your Strategy

By far the single most important element for growing quality plants is available light. Succulents need serious natural light. This means a full southern exposure with nothing between your plants and the sun except possibly the window glass or greenhouse glazing. A full southern exposure is one which receives all available light for most of the day. Avoid locations which are blocked by trees or buildings.

In a perfect world, your plants would be growing in a blazing southern exposure and receiving 360° light. This would of course mean a perfectly situated greenhouse or an outside location in a frost free climate. Such facilities are impossible for many of us but this does not mean that you still can’t grow first rate quality plants. This is where your strategy is required.

Your strategy should be to give your plants the light they need when they need it. The keyword here is when. Most succulents will enter an annual dormancy period and will tolerate less than ideal light during this part of their life cycle.

If you are growing indoors, the preferred strategy is to move your plants outside during the summer months for optimum light during their growth period then winter them over in southern windows when they are dormant.

If you are restricted to indoor conditions year round, you must compromise. Regardless of how good your windows are, you will still be providing light from only one direction and there will be a few plants that will not tolerate less than ideal light. You will have to restrict your collection to those genera which will grow well in your conditions or simply move your plants to better light.

If you are growing in a greenhouse or outside in frost free conditions, sufficient light is not your problem. In many parts of the southern and southwestern U.S. your problem can be too much light and some sun filtering material is in order especially for smaller plants in small containers.

Artificial light will keep most but not all succulent plants alive but that's about it. After more than a month or two under fluorescent tubes for example, plants take on a very soft weak look and quickly lose their appeal. Artificial light is best used as a supplement to your winter source if you bring your plants indoors during the winter months.

These strategies apply to summer growing (winter dormant) succulents. As you will discover, many genera are winter growing (summer dormant) which definitely makes providing sufficient light even more challenging. However it is possible!

How can you tell if your plants are receiving proper light? Their general appearance will be compact with the distance between the leaves very short. Leaves will also be small not big and floppy. Rosettes of leafy succulents such as Echeveria will be tight while leaves and bodies of extremely succulent types such as lithops will be compact and colorful, not bloated and soft looking.
zongy927 | 2018-5-2 04:40:50 | 显示全部楼层
xingpai | 2018-5-2 04:44:30 | 显示全部楼层
This is a good illustration of what can happen to valuable plants if not given correct light levels.

These two Pachypodium horombense are the same age. The specimen on the right has been given proper light while the one on the left is etiolated and ruined from low light. There is no way to reverse the etiolation.
这两棵Pachypodium horombense年纪一样大,右边的享受充足的阳光,左边的则因缺乏光照而徒长。这种病态的徒长永远也恢复不了。

Some of the most light sensitive succulents are the Crassulaceae (echeveria, crassula, graptopetalum, kalanchoe, sedum, etc.), Mesembs (lithops, conophytum, etc.) and Apocynaceae (pachypodium, adenium) while some of the least light sensitive are the Liliaceae (aloes, haworthias), many euphorbias, sansevierias, and stapeliads.

There are many factors to consider if you want to grow first rate, truly beautiful plants but by far, providing sufficient light is the most important. There is hardly anything more unattractive or that reflects poor cultivation technique than an etiolated or stretched out succulent. Etiolation is not reversible, unless the subject can be started again from a cutting, so once this occurs, the plant is ruined. Study your conditions and adopt a strategy for providing proper light. There is no substitute.


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xingpai | 2018-5-2 04:47:08 | 显示全部楼层

Most collectable succulents, which includes all the plants you will find on this web site, are not hardy. Although a few Agaves and Sedums might take a few degrees of frost, they will not tolerate freezing temperatures.

We maintain a minimum of 55° F year round for most plants while keeping our most sensitive species at 60° F.

Maximum temperatures are usually determined by weather conditions and succulents are well adapted to tolerate temperatures slightly over 100° F. Prolonged exposure to excessive heat usually prompts most plants to simply go dormant and wait it out.

Many plants can however be damaged by excessive heat and if you are growing in a greenhouse or any other type of solar structure, constant air movement is essential. Hot stagnant air will rapidly damage most succulents.
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