This is a good illustration of what can happen to valuable plants if not given correct light levels.
These two Pachypodium horombense are the same age. The specimen on the right has been given proper light while the one on the left is etiolated and ruined from low light. There is no way to reverse the etiolation.
这两棵Pachypodium horombense年纪一样大,右边的享受充足的阳光,左边的则因缺乏光照而徒长。这种病态的徒长永远也恢复不了。
Some of the most light sensitive succulents are the Crassulaceae (echeveria, crassula, graptopetalum, kalanchoe, sedum, etc.), Mesembs (lithops, conophytum, etc.) and Apocynaceae (pachypodium, adenium) while some of the least light sensitive are the Liliaceae (aloes, haworthias), many euphorbias, sansevierias, and stapeliads.
There are many factors to consider if you want to grow first rate, truly beautiful plants but by far, providing sufficient light is the most important. There is hardly anything more unattractive or that reflects poor cultivation technique than an etiolated or stretched out succulent. Etiolation is not reversible, unless the subject can be started again from a cutting, so once this occurs, the plant is ruined. Study your conditions and adopt a strategy for providing proper light. There is no substitute.
如果想要养出极品的美丽植株,光照是最重要的。没有什么比徒长的多肉更能反应种植者技术不合格了。徒长是不可逆的,除非砍头重新开始。因此一旦徒了,这棵多肉就毁了。好好研究你的养殖环境,务必找出合适的光线供给策略,这是不可替代的。 |